The Joy Luck Kitchen

Stories, Recipes & Ancient Chinese Secrets...from my kitchen to yours

Friday, September 16, 2011

So Inspired.....

Yep! That about sums it up. I attended my daughter's middle school Back to School Night last night and the one word I would use to describe it is -- Inspiring.

Picture taken by Clare Bloomfield
I actually caught myself wishing that I was back in 7th grade. I know, some of you or most of you are probably rolling your eyes or gagging at the thought of going back to school, but I must say that the teachers I met were amazing and I would have loved to have had them when I was younger.

When that first bell rang, my heart jumped and I was briefly back in time at my old school in Upstate New York. Snapping back into reality, I quickly made my way through the maze of hallways, my daughter's class schedule clasped securely in my hand along with a map of the school. As I navigated my way through the sea of people, I saw many friends that I hadn't seen in a while....we hugged, blew kisses and screamed out "hello" as we raced off to the classrooms.

Phew! Room 164....I made it in time. Quickly and stealthily, I scanned the room and made a beeline for the back row (I used to love sitting in the back....pass notes, make faces, fall asleep, stare at a cute boy.....ahhhhh those were the days....thank goodness my daughter doesn't take after me). After chatting with a couple of friends and waving hello to people across the room, I settled down and turned my attention to the teacher. Then I was hooked.

Passion and enthusiasm were abound as I met each teacher throughout the evening. They discussed the course curriculum and their hopes for the students with such zeal and optimism, it was quite contagious. As I listened to them speak about the various topics they will be covering throughout the year, I secretly thought to myself....what a shame I don't know all those artist that she just mentioned.... or ugh, I can only name a handful of US Presidents and what they did....or I want to be a part of that book discussion ...and the list goes on and on and on.

I had originally begun the evening thinking that I was just going to go through the motions, meet the teachers, check out the school, grab a donut and cookie and leave. It didn't cross my mind that I would come out so inspired.... I want to study the artists and learn what made them The Masters. I want to be able to name all the Presidents of the United States and actually tell you something significant about them. I want to read more....and even go back to some of the classics that I skipped along the way.

I know often times teachers hear the complaints about this and that. Well, I would like to just say a great big THANK YOU to them. Thank you for your passion. Thank you for your inspiration. It is this love of learning and teaching that will propel our children into a bright and fulfilling future.

The next generation is already in the making and if we can have educators like the ones I meet last night, then there is hope yet for our country's future.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to experience that feeling - can't believe that we are on the other side already.


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